

Click here and complete the text on the British band Oasis. Then, listen to their song 'Wonderwall' and fill in the gaps.

                                                               Image taken from Google


Improve your English abroad!

This scholarship is addressed to those students of 1st Bachillerato who would like to improve their English abroad this summer in countries such as the United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta or the United States. You are also offered the chance to take a German or a French course instead, if you prefer.

Here you have all the information:


I really encourage you to apply for it. You should not miss this opportunity!


How to make your own web quest

This is a great example of a web quest on the British author Charles Dickens:

Do it and send it to your teacher.

Now try to think of a person or topic for your own web quest.
You will participate in the Language Week's contest.
You should know that there are three prizes for the best three projects!


Improve your English during the summer!

Today has been published a government grant addressed to those students of Bachillerato who would like to improve their English during the summer.

The aim of this grant is to give students the chance to participate in a bilingual summer camp in Spain during the month of July. You need to accomplish some requirements in order to apply for this grant.

Here are the basis of the grant:

I highly encourage you to apply for it!


Managing stress

I thought this video would be very appropriate now that you are having your second term exams: